Category: Hate-Love

  • Rain!!!

  • Who wins the attention battle?

  • Success is a defense mechanism

    In my working life I manage a couple people and occasionally get to weigh in on decisions that impact even more people.  That little power trip got me interested in these management articles written by Harvard blowhards.  Lately the big buzzword is “failure.”  They all want to talk about how failure can be this great experience and…

  • Taking a trip to Manhattan

    Without leaving the couch.

  • Theater?

    I was approached by a nervous, yet for friendly young lady. She would very much like it I attended a play at her church. I will not. But it was a charming bit of persuasion nevertheless.

  • America we love you

  • Hate

    There is a mall of sorts in north Austin called the Domain. It’s one of those big mixed use development communities that features apartments, an outdoor mall, trendy/upscale chain restaurants, etc etc. It’s fairly large, covered several square blocks. There are respectable places and even people that go there, but that’s the minority. Mostly, I…

  • Yum

  • Rock Lobster!

  • Buyer Beware – bargain electronics

    I’d suggest you avoid buying from Digital Elect – the Terrible Customer Service and Ripoff Company. I found them on Nextag, as they were advertising the Canon Rebel XSI I’m after for a good price.  I did my homework, read reviews like this one, but they had enough positive reviews to outweigh the bad ones.…